Тhe phenomenon of the
Polaroid camera
Do you remember these amazing cameras that immediately develop photographs after having pressed the shutter-release button? Apart from a predecessor model from 1860, the first instant camera, as we know it today, was launched in 1947 by the American scientist Edwin Land, the founder of the Polaroid Corporation.
But how does an
instant camera function? Does it consist of a mini printer? – There is a simple
answer to it: it is a chemical reaction and the secret is in the film. In order
to make an immediate photo development possible, the camera is loaded with film
packs containing sheets of plastic negatives instead of a usual film. In
contrast to regular cameras, this photographic material already contains the
necessary chemicals for photo development as its photosensitive layers - developer
layer, image layer, timing layer and acid layer - correspond to the negative
film. Once you have snapped a picture, the development process is initiated in
the form of a chemical reaction under the surface of the silver compounds on
the negatives. Then the four layers react in the presence of a reagent (the
chemical that triggers the reaction) and the colors that are captured in the
silver layers of the negative are produced. When the photograph is ejected, the
particles of the chemicals are simultaneously spread and the image is produced.
After that the photograph still needs some seconds to fully develop.
That is it! That
is the secret of the Polaroid camera. Hopefully your curiosity has been
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