Mittwoch, 20. März 2013

Homework: Blog post1

Joseph Romm responds in his blog post ‘The Washington Post lets George Will reassert all his climate falsehoods plus some new ones’ to George Will’s article ‘Dark green doomsayers’. In this post he wants to make the readers aware of George Will’s falsehood regarding his latest publication. As far as the credibility, known as the Ethos, of the text is concerned, Romm tries to convince the audience by labeling himself as a climate expert. Apart from that he also points to his parents, who are award-winning journalists. When it comes to the Pathos, he tries to appeal to the reader’s emotions by referring to Will’s confidence game, i.e. the reassertions in his second column stating that his "lies" are indeed factual. Moreover, a strong Logos can be found in the text as well. So the author tries to be both convincing and persuasive and therefore reasons logically by citing different source texts as well as by uncovering plagiarism. For example, he refers to Will, citing Steven Chu directly even though the latter was already citing somebody else when he talked about this certain issue. On the whole, Romm used Ethos, Logos and Pathos the right way and thus was able to make his story credible. 

[205 words]

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